Effective teaching and school leadership depend on clear standards and expectations, reliable feedback, and the tools, resources and support for professional growth and continuous improvement. The Kentucky Department of Education, with the guidance and oversight of various steering committees, has designed, developed, field tested and piloted a new statewide Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES).

Kentucky embarked on a comprehensive system of education reform integrating:
• relevant and rigorous standards
• aligned and meaningful assessments
• highly effective teaching and school leadership
• data to inform instruction and policy decisions
• innovation
• school improvement
All are critical elements of student success, but it is effective teaching supported by effective leadership that will ensure all Kentucky students are successful and graduate from high school college/career-ready.
The PGES is designed to measure teacher and leader effectiveness and serve as a catalyst for professional growth and continuous improvement, and is a key requirement of Kentucky’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiver and the state’s Race to the Top grant.
*For documents pertaining to PGES/PPGES click here and you will see them on the right side of the page.